Dev update #2

Short update for anyone still following along! 

Duck Boy is now on Steam! this is very exciting as it's just another step towards the ultimate goal - releasing the game! it would mean alot to me if you took the time to wishlist, as that helps me in a number of ways. the link will be at the bottom of this post. 

the game is coming along quite nicely as well - the area im currently working on is almost drawing to a close, which will mark about the half way point in terms of explorable areas and content. From there its just a matter of polishing, refining, polishing and refining again. at this point, gameplay and feel has received quite the overall, combat is alot snappier and the flute mechanic is alot better integrated into the core game. No longer is it just a key to open passageways but also your method of healing yourself now - as all hp pick ups have been removed and healing is done through playing a simple song. I can talk a bit more about these things if anyone is interested, but for now ill keep this short

As for book keeping things - I think i'll leave the demo up as is for now, even if it doesnt exactly represent what the game is currently. I'll probably make a new one at some point for another round of public playtesting. I'll have to make a note in the game's description on here. I also plan on creating a new trailer for the game to post to steam and just try and generally get more people interested. That will get done sometime after I'm finished working on this area. Anyway, that's all for today! 

Remember to wishlist here:

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